If you’ve got a friend who has just gone freelance and is worrying about how they’re going to manage over the festive season, it can be tempting just to offer them money or a voucher. WRONG!  This might be considered rude by your newly fledged freelancer friend, as you are doubting their abilities (subconsciously or not) and come across as sceptical about their new venture.

To avoid any confusion, tears and anger pick a failsafe gift from this nifty list; you’ll receive a much better reaction!


A more expensive gift idea for your favourite freelancer. A new laptop is a great way to start their career, and they can choose a laptop to fit their needs.


Because who doesn’t need new stationary for a new job? Whether it’s a wall calendar, a moleskin organiser or a bamboo pen pot – they’ll appreciate that you’ve thought about their new profession.


Maybe your freelancer is taking a course in calligraphy? Even if they aren’t you can’t go wrong with a nice set of pens. It can make the world of difference to a piece you’re writing when you document it with a fountain pen rather than an Argos biro.

Motivational posters

Because sometimes when you’re feeling down you need to be reminded to ‘hang in there’.

Fancy speakers

When they’re watching funny cat videos (in their break of course) then they can do so with full HD sound; so when that cat falls off the counter, maximum hilarity ensues.

Office furniture

Even though your friend will be working from home, it doesn’t mean they want to lounge around all day and get a bad back from slouching. A desk and an ergonomic chair can do wonders for making them feel like they’re at the office, and motivate them to get some work done.

Digital storage

In case your budget isn’t quite up to a new laptop, buying either cloud storage or an external hard drive is the next best thing.

Magazine subscription

For something not too work related, reading their favourite magazine is a great way for them to spend lunch.

Wireless Keyboard

Great for anyone with a tablet! They’ll easily be able to nip off for a coffee and complete some work outside the home.


When you’ve just gone freelance one of the first things to do is read up on everything about the relevant industry. E-books will be a great gift for anyone who’s changing career paths or just needs more information on how to complete their work solo.


Being a freelancer in winter is tough. You can either keep the heating on with the result of an astronomical bill that will land on your doorstep, or suffer in multiple layers of jumpers. Buying some hand warmers, gloves, hot water bottle, or a snuggie is a sure way to keep your friend toasty in the winter months.

Music subscription

One of the benefits of going freelance is working from home and being able to have a quick dance around the kitchen to get the blood pumping and creativity flowing. A subscription to an online music service will make the perfect gift if you know they love a good sing in the shower!

Have you got a freelancer friend to buy for this Christmas? Will you be choosing something from this list, or have you got another idea? Let us know in the comments below!


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