Collaborate with the competition? Fraternise with the enemy more like. That’s what you might be thinking about the suggestion of working with other freelancers, so we’re here to open your mind to the potential pros of doing so.

Being your own boss as a freelancer doesn’t mean you have to go it alone all the time. Joining forces with other like-minded professionals has the potential to boost your income, expand your connections and open new doors for your business.

Reasons to collaborate with other freelancers

Although being a freelancer is innately solitary, sometimes strength really does come in numbers. Below are some of the key benefits you could take advantage of when teaming up with fellow freelancers.

Taking on bigger projects

You want to take on a project but it’s just not feasible with the time you have available. There are only so many hours in the day, but that doesn’t mean you have to bypass opportunities.

Rather than miss out on the work and client connection entirely, you could split the project with another freelancer in your field. That way, you still generate some income, and you get to add the client and finished project to your portfolio.

By collaborating with other freelancers, you could also start taking on projects with a wider scope that call for other skill sets or specialisms alongside your own to deliver the brief.

If you work in digital content creation but specialise in video, for example, you could collaborate with a copywriter who can write scripts and campaign copy, and a graphic designer for static imagery. That way, you could offer clients a more comprehensive, full-spec service.

When you choose who you collaborate with, you get to keep more control of the project and give the client a smoother experience.

Strengthening your own business

Collaborating with other freelancers doesn’t always have to mean servicing clients together. You could also enlist the expertise of a freelancer if you require their services to improve your own business in some way.

If you make and sell pottery online, for example, you might want to collaborate with a freelance photographer to help showcase your products in the most polished way possible.

You might even consider looking for a freelance assistant if you’re schedule starts to get particularly hectic.

Making new connections

Not only does making new connections expand your reach, but it also provides you with a network of people you can trust and call on if you need client cover.

If you’re a wedding photographer who is unavailable on a specific date, for example, you can draft in another freelance wedding photographer as a subcontractor or a replacement. That way, the client still has a positive experience of your service.

This works the other way around too; if a freelancer can’t take on a job, they can call you to take it instead.

Learning new skills

If you collaborate with a freelancer who does the same thing as you, you have an opportunity to develop your skills and deepen your knowledge. They may be able to show you some tricks of the trade you didn’t know! It’s experience you might otherwise miss out on without having colleagues or a team around you.

Even if their freelance discipline is very different, it’s still an excellent opportunity to learn more about their industry and how it works in practice.

Unlocking new ideas

When flying solo as a freelancer, it’s easy to get comfortable in an echo chamber of your own thoughts and stuck in your tried-and-tested ways of working.

Collaborating with others is a great way to experience new ideas, fresh perspectives and different ways of doing things. Opening your eyes and mind to this is often the best way to take your business to new heights.

Helping to combat loneliness

Freelancing can get pretty lonely at times, especially if you tend to work from home a lot.

Collaborating with other freelancers, whether in a co-working space or on-site with a client, can burst the solo bubble for a while, which can have a positive impact on your wellbeing and productivity.

Things to consider when working with other freelancers

Hopefully we’ve managed to convince you that there are many benefits to collaborating with other freelancers. Below are some important things to consider helping you ensure any co-working relationship runs smoothly and in the best interest of your business.

Contractual agreements

When working with other freelancers, it’s advisable to each sign a contract to protect your work, your Intellectual Property (IP) and your confidential information – and to prevent your clients from being poached.

Ideally, you’ll only ever collaborate with people you trust, but it still can’t hurt to take protective precautionary measures.

Transparent communication with clients

You don’t have to tell your clients all the ins and outs of your working relationships but there might come a point when it would be considerate to let a client know if there is someone else involved in a project of theirs – if they aren’t already aware. Client communications are important!

Common courtesy is one reason but there may also be legal reasons why the client should know. If they’re working on a project that hasn’t been launched yet, they may require everybody involved to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

Be selective about who you collaborate with

Even when you collaborate with somebody on a project or piece of work, you’re still putting your name to it. This means you need to make sure any freelancer you team up with is going to uphold the standards you want clients to associate you with.

Who you work with can have a positive or negative impact on your reputation as a freelancer in your industry. The onus is on you to ensure you’ve done sufficient background research before embarking on any kind of collaborative working relationship!
Head over to our freelancer information hub for more guides, tips, and advice.


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