The working world has changed drastically over the last few years, with the days of job-for-life, 9-5 factory workers long gone. You are more likely to find freelancers working from coffee shops, part-time delivery drivers cycling along the road, or contractors who operate as their own limited company. Read More
About the Author
We know what it’s like to be a freelancer, so here at Freelancer News we love keeping you up to date with all the latest news, tips and advice for freelancers. We cover tips on how to get work as a freelancer, economic news which may affect the way you work and the best way to handle your accounts and finance.
To make sure you’re always getting the latest news, we’ve gathered a team of writers with specific expertise and industry knowledge. That way you know that our writers can handle any aspect of freelancer life that you might need help with. Below are the latest articles from Elizabeth.

The quick answer? No, your employer won’t automatically find out if you’re self-employed. In this day and age, having a side hustle is becoming pretty commonplace. Supplementing a salary with a second (or even third) source of income is a great way to expand your skills offering and of course, bump up your bank balance. It’s a great way to earn some extra cash, grow your network, indulge in your passions and continue to diversify your talents. Read More

So you have decided to become a freelancer, be your own boss and cut loose from the apron strings of your permanent job. Sadly, starting out isn’t always as easy as ‘relaxed working locations’ and branded coffee. Read More

Ah self-employment. Flexibility, no annoying colleagues, no commute, no stuffy office. Lovely. According to recent statistics, there are almost 2.2 million freelancers in the UK. This has increased dramatically over the last decade, with COVID seeing freelancing from home soar. If you’re one of the thousands of people who suffer with a mental health condition, this set up can work really well. Read More

One of the most wonderful benefits that comes with a freelance career, is the chance to spread your professional wings. Not just in terms of the projects that you take on, either. The flexibility of freelancing allows you to get stuck in around the world – even without leaving the comfort of your own home. Read More

It’s a common misconception that tax rebates are something that always happen automatically. Taxpayers sit waiting for their refunds to drop into their accounts and are understandably outraged when they don’t.
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If you’ve landed on this article then we’re guessing you’ve just wrapped up (or are about to wrap up) your full-time education and are now chomping at the bit to get out into the big, wide (working) world.
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As a UK-based freelancer, you are indeed allowed to work for clients in a different country. In fact, for many, the freedom to expand your geographical network is one of the most appealing things about working in a freelance capacity.
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When it comes to drilling a tooth cavity, training you in the gym, or operating on you in theatre, you’re want to know the person responsible is qualified. To know that they’ve studied, trained, and know exactly what they’re doing before they’re let loose. Read More

LinkedIn can be a gold mine for freelancers, with a wealth of business owners, marketing agencies and individuals all looking to hire freelancers. Before jumping in and firing off requests to connect, we go over the mistakes that we see on a regular basis. Read More