For the newly fledged freelancer it can seem like a built up client base is something only an elite club have access to. Apparently when experienced freelancers left their jobs their client base flew after them, landed at their feet and pleaded for content.

Although it may appear this way, skilled freelancers have gone through the same blood, sweat and tears that you’re now experiencing by trying to build up their client list. Luckily, one of the most vast client bases is right at your fingertips; it’s learning how to master it that’s the tricky part.

Finding the Right Platform

There’s one perfect platform for all freelancers. The common mistake made when businesspeople join social media is joining all of them and posting as much as physically possible. The best way to use social media is to choose the one platform that suits your company the best, and own it.

Of course, once you’ve established yourself on one site it’s a good idea to set up other accounts, but it may not be necessary to invest as much time in these as your main account. Twitter is generally a good starting point across the board; you can find anyone on it and it has easy methods of being able to contact people in you sector.


As for posting as much as you can, there’s always some debate about this. The general consensus is that as long as you post genuine articles you’ve read and you think your audience would be interested in, then you should be ok.

Using a social media management tool is the ideal way to write posts and schedule them for a later time. However, here you run the risk of being out of date with current events, but it can be easily amended and as long as you don’t schedule too much for one set time.

Building a Client Base

The next step is to build that client base. The obvious way to start is to follow or like people within your industry as well as people that may be potential customers. After this, the next steps vary for each social platform.

If using Twitter, it’s vital to create lists for people within your sector. Not only is it a bit more flattering for the other party, it’s also a great way to collect people from your industry in one place, as well as organise potential customers. Not all social media interaction will lead to a client, but building your brand is equally as important as getting customers.

What to Say and How to Say It

The golden rule of social media is also the one that most people forget in all the signing up and choosing the most attractive cover photo; think before you type. And edit, proofread and re-edit. The amount of Twitter blunders in 2015 is enough to make anyone cringe, and you definitely don’t want that happening to your company.

It’s always a good idea to write an important post down before you type it up. You can then consider how well written it is and if you’re happy for the world to see it. Always remember, it is potential clients who are going to see and interact with your posts.

What are your golden rules of using social media to build up a client base? Leave us a comment below!


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2 years ago

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