Almost everyone dreads writing these things. What are you supposed to say that won’t make you cringe?

You know what you’re selling and how it can benefit your clients but when it comes to writing about you personally, things become a lot more difficult.

What to focus on

The key is to remember that your clients only really want to know how you can help them. They don’t need to know your life story, what you did as a kid or how many pets you’ve had. They want to know if you can help them.

The fine line

While clients are mostly interested in what you can provide for them, that doesn’t mean you should phrase your page without any reference to yourself like a corporate robot.

You do need to stick in their minds, look trustworthy and easy to work with and this is where you’ve got space to inject a little bit of personality.

You can do this with your writing voice, branding or photos. If it’s appropriate, keep your voice friendly and casual. Make sure you look like you love what you do.

Some people add in a fun facts section with random facts that give the about me page a little colour. It’s up to you if you want to do this, just make sure it’s short and snappy and doesn’t pull too much focus from your main points.


Make sure you’ve got an appropriate photo. When trying to establish what exactly appropriate means, think of your target market. Are the clients you’re trying to win the type of people who need someone serious and professional? Then make sure your picture reflects that. If they’re a bit more laid back, then you can afford to have something a bit more casual. Just make sure you leave the Friday night drinking snaps out of it.


Go and look at other freelancers’ about me pages, particularly ones who have been doing it for a while. If you can, ask them about it. You’ll probably find that everyone alters theirs over time and that it becomes snappier and more confident the longer they’ve been at it.

So don’t feel bad if yours isn’t perfect. Your website isn’t static, you can change the copy whenever you want and you should do to keep it fresh and updated.

Put in testimonials

If you’ve got testimonials or any concrete evidence of your success like blog posts with high traffic, you could put them on your about page. They then act as a back up to what you’re saying which will put you in a more favourable position with clients who want to see results.

Put in a call to action

At the end of your page, you want to make it as easy as possible for clients to contact you. So put in a line telling clients to email or call you or a link to your contact page if they’re interested or need more information. Make sure you keep it light, and friendly.

How have you written your “about me” page? Do you have any tips for others? Please share your thoughts.


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