Pitching to clients is one of the most effective things you can do to win new business. But get it wrong and you’ll find your client list gathering dust.

It’s all about the right words and approach. So, here are some common mistakes to avoid when pitching.

Copied and pasted pitches

This goes for any type of job you apply for. If you’re simply copying and pasting everything without editing it to fit the person you’re addressing or the role you’re applying for, it never looks good.

It makes the potential client feel like they’re in a long list of others and you don’t really care which one bites.

Pitches that focus too much on yourself

It doesn’t matter that you always loved [whatever you’re selling] as a child or that you it makes you feel fulfilled. The client wants to know what’s in it for them. Focusing too much on yourself makes it harder to convince someone that you’re the right fit for them and their business.

Focusing on the client allows you to show off your research and how well you know the company (yes you do need to research them).

A massive wall of text

No one wants to read the Great Wall of Text. Our attention spans are short enough as it is and will probably not make it all the way down to the 1,000 word pitch you’ve sent over. Keep it short and sweet, with clear spacing, paragraphs and bullet points. Most people skim read so make it easy for them.

Pitches where you didn’t read the brief

So many people don’t bother to closely read job descriptions or instructions and think they can still land the job. Some people even think they know best and that the reader really wants something completely different. This leads to pitches that are unsuitable, unfocused or very generic. It looks lazy and, in most cases, just wastes everyone’s time.

Pitches without any back up or facts

People like the try before buy approach. You need to be able to show them something like a website or a portfolio (preferably both) or hiring you will seem risky and like a shot in the dark.

Be prepared for requests to see your work and have something ready to show off – even if they’re just samples you’ve created for yourself.

When you do land clients, keep a record of all your good work and try to get testimonials from clients so you can sell more easily to future ones.


Are you guilty of any of these bad pitching habits? Have we left any out? Let us know your thoughts.


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