Working on your own is a bit different to working for a company, as the sole person behind all of the work, you are the brand.

You’re not selling a concept when you pitch to clients, you’re selling your time specifically, your skills and your unique way of doing things. That’s why when you are advertising your services, you really need to create a killer ‘about me’ page.

Even if you don’t have a website, most Freelancer websites will insist you set up a profile page before you can pitch for jobs. It’s ultimately how your potential clients will decide whether you’re the right person for the job, or someone else.

If you think about it, it’s almost like continuously having job interviews, so you need a CV that stands out from the crowd.

So how do you do that? We’d love to share some of our favourite tips:

Start With A Great Profile Picture

Over-exposed selfies and blurry photos from a night out with the lads may have sufficed in the Myspace era, but the Instagram generation has higher standards. It’s money well spent to pay a local photographer to snap a few headshots. You can still be playful with it rather than corporate, do some research by looking at the profile pictures bloggers use and decide what style best fits your brand.

Capture Attention With A Snappy Introduction

As with any marketing, you only have a short initial few seconds to capture the attention of a potential reader, so make it count. Try writing a few versions of your introduction and getting friends to choose the best one. You really want to wow the potential client here.

Show Off Your Skills and Achievements

If you have qualifications, throw them in here, but don’t be tempted to just make a list (unless that’s relevant to your industry because you’ve taken lots of important skill courses that are required for doing your job, like if you’re a beautician or a therapist.). Talk about your experience more generally, what’s your proudest achievement and when have you gone the extra mile to create something truly great?

Why You?

Your USP is the reason why people will choose you over your competition. People may have the same qualifications as you, but can they write as quickly as you can? Do you specialise in a certain topic? Are you a content writer who can also design blog images? Clients love to have their decision made easy for them.

What Can You Specifically Help The Client With?

Help your potential client visualise the amazing results they’re going to get from working with you. Sure, you can design a website, but can you design a website that converts and will get them tonnes of great leads? Be sure to be specific and use your best sales language here.

Crunch the Numbers

Lots of long text can help you sell an idea, but numbers, testimonials and stats are the proof in the pudding. Really highlight what your work has done for your clients, whether it’s an actual ROI figure or what star rating you achieve from feedback on average.

If you’re new and you don’t have these figures yet, Google some generic stats for your industry. For example, you can share that 72% of marketers say content marketing increases engagement to convince people they need your writing services.

Bring In the Sale

There’s no point writing out a fantastic about me page and then not asking people to go ahead and buy the service you’re trying to sell. Trust us when we say, people are lazy, they won’t scroll around for long looking for a button to view your pricing or make an enquiry, so make sure you put it right under their noses.

Social Media and Links

If you have a Facebook page full of glowing reviews, make sure there’s a link to show it off. If you constantly share industry know-how on your blog that verifies you’re great at what you do, put the link here! Don’t miss out on a chance to further convince those who aren’t yet completely sold.

Hey! If you found this article useful, don’t forget to check out our complete guide to Freelancing, we’ve got plenty of free resources available for you. Take a look!


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