Writing the perfect pitch is not just about the words you use, but also the way you deliver them.

As you write the words down, run them through your head. Can you picture yourself saying them with enthusiasm and energy? What you write must be a reflection of how passionate you are about the pitch.

Boring, monotone speech will put them and your pitch to sleep. Be cautious however, not to over simplify things and look like you are treating a potential buyer like a fool.

Write solutions to problems

You love the idea you’re selling, you love everything about it. The issue is, the potential buyer is not listening to hear about why you love the product so much, just what the product will do for them.

Understand that what it is your pitching, is not how great your product is, but how beneficial and essential it is for this buyer.

Your product saves them time and money, so spell out how. Your product is the best on the market, why? Your product will make their productivity soar, how soon?

Be sure to focus your pitch, so that at the end of it, your client will be crystal clear about exactly what you can do for them.

Include responses to objections

Naturally, asking someone to part with hard earned money is never easy. Be prepared for objections by having answers ready. Include these within the pitch itself if possible, and have them at the ready should questions come up.

You can talk people around an objection. Yet, standing there, frozen and unprepared, could be your pitch’s kiss of death. Work hard on identifying a large number of objections that could be thrown at you. Prep hard and thoroughly for them, write them down.

Rehearse these answers so thoroughly they will roll off your tongue.

In a detailed business blog about coping with objection, which you can read here, it states that you should: “Have at least 10 people review the answers with you and give feedback”.

For example, if a complaint is that your product is too expensive, write in the answer that in the long run, your product will save money. Provide some figures.

Know your price

Negotiating will be an inevitable aspect that comes after your pitch. However, you must make sure you know your price from the outset. Not knowing your price will look unprofessional, as well as expose your own uncertainty about your product.

Getting the right price means allowing some leeway to negotiate. If a potential client isn’t willing to do business at your lowest rate, they are not the right client. Be ready to move on.

Don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal if the pieces won’t fit. Folding and compromising will only make you look weak going forward. What’s more, future clients may hear of this pitch, and demand the same deal. Always know what you are worth.


Is your pitch solving your client’s problems? Are you prepared for any and all objections?


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