Nurturing a successful career as a freelancer can be tricky, particularly to newcomers to the freelancing community.

Realistically, there is not one certain path that a freelancer can follow that will ensure success. However, there are tried and tested tips that you can follow as a freelancer, that when used in conjunction with each other can help your career thrive.

Ensure a contract is agreed on each project

A contract should be in place for each and every project you undertake, which will outline certain aspects that ultimately protects both your own and your client’s interests. Agreeing upon terms and conditions of a project are vital, they should include payment terms, the length of the project, details, and much more.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate with your client with regards to contract details; ensuring that both parties are happy at the outset of the project will ultimately save a great deal of time in the long run, should issues arise.

Understand effective credit management

Many choose to freelance under the impression that it is a lucrative career path, however, you can only reap the benefits when you get paid for the work you have carried out. Many freelancers fail to understand the importance of effective credit management procedures, increasing the risk of late or non-payment from clients.

Effective credit management will include initial contract negotiations, prompt invoicing, proactive chasing and taking those next steps into legal action should a client fail to pay you.

Get feedback on your work

Receiving feedback from clients during and at the end of each project is vital to ensuring you are providing a great service. Requesting and receiving feedback provides you with areas for improvement, thus allowing for continued professional development.

In addition to this, by contacting a client following the conclusion of a project, you essentially keep those communication lines open. This can ultimately lead to further work with the same client, as well as recommendations from said client for projects with other businesses.

Ensure compliance

For businesses of all sizes, compliance with regulations is essential. Particularly for freelancers who, for the most part, carry out a great deal of administrative work themselves, having a thorough understanding of compliance and how to remain compliant at all times can mean the difference between a successful or unsuccessful freelancing career.

With that in mind seeking guidance on this matter should you not fully understand how to ensure compliance, from HMRC, data protection to industry related legislation, is strongly encouraged.

Research reputable umbrella companies

Registering with an umbrella company can provide significant benefits for freelancers. An umbrella company can take control of the administrative burden that freelancing can bring, allowing you to focus on your core business and the project at hand.

Choosing the right umbrella company is vital. Your ideal umbrella partner should have a great reputation within the industry, should have compliance at the forefront of all they do and the accreditations to back it up.


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