As a freelancer, one of your aims should be to increase the value, and therefore price, of your services. This will help you build and grow your business into something that functions with more stability and potential.

Another major part of freelancing is learning new things. The chances are you were hit with surprise by the amount of work that running a freelance business takes. One of the ways you can make freelancing easier is to commit to learning new skills to improve the value of your services and to help you run a better business.

Good courses for freelancers

You could either choose a course to improve your business management or to improve your services.

On the one hand, a course in something like marketing, website management or bookkeeping could help you manage your business more effectively.

On the other hand, choosing a course related to your services could either improve the quality of your work or give you the opportunity to add on an additional service for your clients.

Adding value

Taking a course that will be useful to your freelance work will provide extra value for your clients. If you put your qualifications on your website, it will increase your authority in the industry and display your expertise. Clients will feel they’re getting value for money and will be therefore more likely to hire and re-hire you.

If you’re providing a valuable service, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t let your rates reflect that. The better and more experienced you are at your work, the more money you will be comfortable with charging.

Become more efficient

If you become more skilled at your work, it will take less time to complete. This frees you up and increases your capacity to take on more. Therefore, you can end up charging more and grow your business more quickly.

Becoming more efficient when handling business tasks like marketing, admin and accounting will mean that you don’t have to spend as much time on them. These are tasks that you can’t really bill clients for so the less time you need to spend on them, the better.

Create an outlet

There’s no reason why you should reserve courses just to improve your business itself. You might want to consider doing a course in something you love and use that as an outlet in your free time. It’s important that you make time for yourself to relax and step away from the business and if you’ve just taken a course in something, it’s a hobby you’re more likely to stick at.


Have you ever taken a course to improve yourself or your business? What type of course would you go for? Let us know your thoughts.


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