As a freelancer everything you put on the web is an indication to how you conduct business – whether you mean it to be or not.

From your LinkedIn profile to your secondary school tweets, nothing goes untouched when you’re looking to take on clients and create a personal brand that sells.

That’s why creating your online portfolio should take all your focus and consideration.

This is the front page of your brand. The very best of all your work. You need to market it effectively so that you show your clients not only what you can do, but your professionalism – it’s an insight into their potential contract with you, so you should treat it as such.

To help present yourself to clients professionally, here are some of the top portfolio platforms for freelance content writers. They’ll help you show off your top work in its best light, so be sure to take a look. is a standard portfolio platform that does what it says on the tin.

Once you’re signed up you can fill out your profile, which includes a sizeable bio box where you can list your accomplishments and give readers and overview of your skills and areas of expertise.

Here you can also link to your social channels, so you can see these at a later date.

You can then begin to upload your portfolio pieces. You’re able to upload links, images and PDFs – so you aren’t limited to one format.

This simple layout allows for effortless perusal of your portfolio, with clear headlines a lead line and the option to display the header image. With you can upload a maximum of 10 pieces before you have to begin paying. If you wish to create a more extensive portfolio and unlock a boatload more features it’ll cost you $9.99 a month.


Contently is a little more than just a portfolio platform for you to showcase your work on. While you can create a portfolio – and a particularly professional and clean-looking one at that, you can also find clients within the site.

Contently pairs up freelancers with clients, so rather than having to head out and hunt for clients on your own you can set yourself to ‘Available to work’ and see what comes up.

You’re also offered the opportunity to market yourself to just those on Contently or to anyone on the internet – meaning you can open this portfolio up to everyone.

This comprehensive platform allows you to add projects you’ve worked on as well as clients you’ve worked for, so your potential clients can see if you possess the skills they need.


For the techphobes out there, Writerfolio is for you. It’s simple write and go process takes the trauma out of creating an online portfolio, which can often be half the battle if it’s something you don’t feel comfortable with.

You don’t even need to sign up to try it out, simply start putting in your information to create the portfolio. While the temporary demo account is easy to create, if you’re looking to have a long term portfolio you’ll definitely want to consider signing up.

Writerfolio allows you to pick a theme for your portfolio, so you can personalise it in keeping with your personal brand. While this is limited, it does make a difference for freelancers who want to add a touch of personalisation.

Your own blog!

While there are numerous portfolio platforms out there, none of them are specific to your own needs. You can easily find the best one that suits you but if you’re trying to build a personal brand there really is no substitute for your own blog.

Not everyone has the time, money or tech know-how to create their own blog, which is why some of the above solutions can work better for them. However, if do think a blog will work for you – and you’re motivated enough to consistently create content for it – then it’s definitely worth considering adding a portfolio page and directing potential clients to it.

Is there another portfolio platform you swear by? Head over and join the conversation on Twitter by tweeting @Freelancer_News.


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