Earlier this year we reported that by 2020, more than half of the UK population is expected to be working under a freelance capacity and this substantial hike might explain the increased popularity in the online trading of services. Operations such as Fiverr and PeoplePerHour allow freelancers (sellers) to list their skills on a website where clients (buyers) can purchase them for a cost set by the seller. This concept eliminates the need for time-consuming meetings and invoice processes, which is particularly beneficial in our fast-paced modern marketplace.

Despite becoming increasingly popular amongst freelancers and customers across the country, there was yet to be an exclusively UK-based service that specifically targeted those in Britain, Wales, Scotland and Ireland– until goTask. GoTask provides secure, timely and cost-effective services for those who are looking for freelance experts to complete tasks they either can’t or don’t want to do. In turn, the service also enables freelance professionals to turn their skills and hobbies into a healthy source of income.

Co-founder, Ashley Young describes the service as “a truly British service that offers freelancers control and support to increase their income and raise their profile while at the same time bringing in enough customers to make that happen.”

But we wanted to find out a bit more about goTask ahead of its upcoming October launch so we caught up with Ashley and here’s what he had to say.

So, how did goTask come to be?

We came up with the concept of goTask when a few of us, all friends, got together for an evening of beer and pizza, while watching Dr Who and the topic of services such as Fiverr and PeoplePerHour came up. We all agreed that most of these services concentrate more on the buyers and always, no matter what the situation, favour them in the event of a dispute. We felt that there was not enough care and attention given to the freelancers.

It seemed to us that these services, somewhere along their journey, forgot that the freelancers are the people that make their business a success and without them they wouldn’t have a service to offer. We also all agreed that while these services have UK based offices or a UK based presence they were all still operated and owned elsewhere (mainly in the US) and that’s when goTask was born.

Who are the people behind goTask (as well as Dr Who fans)? 

We are lucky to have a team of great people, all friends of many years. We all come from different backgrounds but all have either freelanced full-time or part-time and one time or another. Our team consists of two graphic designers, a business strategist, a writer and a web designer. Each of us can bring something truly great to the table and understand what the industry is lacking and what support freelancers need to increase themselves in a very competitive market.

What do you think is encouraging this growth in the freelance and self-employment market?

I think that most people like the idea of working for themselves because by doing so, you can achieve the correct work life balance that is suitable to you. Doing a 9-5 job is great, but when you have a family or want a better life you ideally want the freedom to choose the hours you work. By becoming a freelancer not only can you choose those hours, but you can also choose the types of work and the way you price them. You get to do something your passionate about and that right there is key to a happy life and perfect job satisfaction.

Most people associate freelancing with the creative sector – what is the range of services up for grabs via goTask?

We want to provide every freelancer in every industry, from the ages of 16-65, the chance to use our service so we’ve created categories ranging from online marketing to lifestyle. So whether you’re an astrologist or a social media expert, our platform is for you. We are also open to suggestions and if we have missed a category that you belong too, let us know and we’ll look to add it.

What are the main benefits for sellers using the service?

While we’ve modelled our platform on the hugely successful Fiverr, we are different in many ways. We have also been in lengthy discussions with PayPal so that when you withdraw the funds from your account, PayPal will not charge you additional fees as they do with Fiverr.

Most importantly, we do not want our Freelancers to start their jobs at £2.40 (approximate value on Fiverr’s jobs after fees and currency conversions). We believe that trying to make a living selling jobs at this price is just not sustainable and undervalues the freelancers work and the freelance industry as a whole.

Instead goTask will offer freelancers the ability to choose how they price their jobs. Of course, we still have limits; when you first signup, the maximum job price you can set is £20 and each add-on to a maximum of £20 each. You can have up to 3 add-ons so a potential earning of £90 per job. This limit will increase the longer you are with us and their higher your feedback rating.

And for the buyers?

Each freelancer will have a profile that will display how long they have been members along with all their feedback so buyers can make an informed decision on who they choose to complete their job. Once they have chosen and purchased the job their money will be held by us until they are happy the work has been completed as specified. This means should any disputes arise then our team will intervene and look at all communication to make a decision.

One of the greatest benefits for our buyers is that all our freelancers are based right here in the UK, meaning communication is much smoother. No language barriers and no waiting because the freelancer is on a different time zone. Each of our freelancers will understand the UK market and how it works, meaning buyers will receive exactly what they are looking for.

GoTask is due to launch next month (October 2015) and will be offering a promotional discount to celebrate the occasion. The offer will be £10 worth of free credit that can be used to purchase services or pay fees on completed jobs.

For more information keep your eye on the website at www.gotask.co.uk.


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