If you’ve decided to go all-in for your freelance business and set up a website and blog, you might have hit a bit of a wall. What exactly do you blog about as a freelancer?

Your blogging goalsFreelance Blog

Ideally, you should have a goal in mind for your blog. You might be looking to monetise and build passive income, you might want to use it to find clients, boost your website SEO or build a side business in itself.

First of all, decide what your overall goal is for running a blog. As a freelancer, getting new clients and boosting SEO rankings are probably the main two.

If your goal is to grow your client list

If you want to get clients, you need to keep them in mind when building your blog and writing content. Content that is random or doesn’t really appeal to your target audience is likely going to be a waste of your time.

So, what should you write about?

If you are a freelance marketing expert (e.g. content writer, social media manager, SEO expert), then you could write a blog about marketing tips for businesses.

This would appeal to businesses who are looking to focus on their marketing. At first, they may be looking for tips on how to do it themselves. Eventually, they may decide to hire a certain freelance expert who has given them tips before instead…

This type of blog is good for getting potential clients to your website and other interested parties, which can help boost your website’s visibility and SEO.

If you’re looking to build a side business

Some people use a blog as an opportunity to expand their earning potential rather than just to promote their freelance services.

Some freelancers build a blog and a business around teaching others to become successful freelancers. They may have a regular blog, podcast, YouTube channel, eBooks or online courses which all become a business in itself.

For example, if you produce commercial videos for businesses, you might want to set up a YouTube channel/blog to help others master video editing/production.

Others go down the affiliate marketing blog route and post links in their blogs to products or services they’re affiliated with.

For example, if you are a technology writer, you might set up a tech news/gaming blog with affiliate links to the latest products in the tech industry. This will gain you a commission if someone purchases through one of your links.

Niche down and focus on your goals

There are lots of different angles to explore when starting a blog and plenty of experimentation is expected before you settle on what you really want to do with your blog.

Overall, it’s best to niche down and focus on your goals as soon as you can as this will help the consistency of the blog and reduce the possibility of confusion for your audience.

It will also give you a more focused lens to plan out new content with. Having a niche forces you to be relevant to your audience, even if it feels limiting. That way, you can ensure your audience is always getting value and consistency.


Are you ready to start a blog as a freelancer? What angle will you be going for on your blog? Let us know in the comments.


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