Feeling shy about using email marketing? Not sure why and how you should use it?

Then read on – because email marketing can be a highly effective tool with some very specific purposes.

Let’s look at four reasons to use email marketing.

Finding Your First Clients

Social media is an ever-growing phenomenon and, if used correctly, a promotional powerhouse. You could be forgiven for thinking that social media platforms are the place to get your first clients, and that they should be where you focus all your advertising attention. But according to Radicati’s 2016 Email Statistics report, email will be used by 3 billion people by 2020. And you could make some of those 3 billion your first clients.

If you already have contacts in your industry, finding your first freelance clients – or at least, knowing where to look for them – may not be too hard. If you don’t, email everyone you know with a polite, professional message that explains what you offer and what makes you the person to hire. Ask them to forward your email or details to anyone who may be interested.

This isn’t the time for pride. If the email is short and sweet, friends, family and acquaintances won’t mind, and personal recommendations and links can go a long way when companies are choosing who to hire.

Touching Base

Once you have clients, don’t let them disappear into the ether once that first job is completed. If you haven’t heard from them in a while, make contact. A holiday can provide a good opportunity for a friendly greeting or you could ask them about the eventual outcome or success of a project you contributed to. If you’ve seen a news item about them or noticed something interesting on their website, you could comment, ask a question or congratulate them on their successes.

Remind them – even if only subtly in your email signature – of the services you provide. Perhaps they used your proofreading services before, for instance, and a reminder that you provide copywriting as well could secure you more work from them. You can add a snippet about what you’ve been up to as too – but that’s an idea you can develop more in emails aimed at…

Raising Your Profile (To Newsletter or Not to Newsletter)

Another valuable email type is the newsletter. If that feels too pretentious, never fear, you have options. Some freelancers like to send out a very professional, template-driven newsletter. If this doesn’t sit well with you, consider instead sending out emails to previous and existing clients every so often with a round-up of what you’ve been working on and any new skills, experience or qualifications you’ve acquired. Again, this can be a great way to drum-up business.

Promoting Special Offers & New Services

Perhaps you want to offer customers a package deal or discount. Maybe you have a new service to offer, either by yourself or in partnership with another freelancer. Don’t just ponder it –      promote it. Send out those emails; nothing ventured, nothing gained. If you’re not sure you could maintain these rates or deals long-term or worry you may be flooded with too much work, then make the offer time-limited.


How you send out these emails is up to you. It depends on your confidence, available time and money, and the approach you want to take. Perhaps you will decide to send out a personalised email now and then, or maybe you’ll want to schedule more regular emails to a mail group. It could be that a formal template mail-out service such as MailChimp is what you’re after – and if you’re not feeling the MailChimp love, you can check out some alternatives in this post on the Technology Advice website.

But however and whenever you email, do make sure that emails are part of your promotional strategy. Because they land directly in the inbox of the person they’re intended for, they can make more of an impact and personal connection than adverts and posts on social media.

Sending the right emails to the right people could mean you never need to spend money on promoting your services again.


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