Valuable, accurate and original content can be critical to your success when freelancing. Digital content (content you create to share online) can help you connect with your existing customers, as well as reach new audiences who will hopefully also become paying clients. So what can you do? We go over some of the different types of digital content to consider for your freelance business.


Professional or portfolio website

Pitching for (and securing) work can be tricky, so having a professional website or some other platform to show off your skills and reviews is a good one to tick off your digital content to-do list.

If you feel a website will help (although it’s not always essential for every business) there are a few costs involved in getting started, like web hosting, a domain, design work and maybe some technical software expertise.

That said, investing time, energy and money into your website will pay dividends (literally, hopefully) as it is such a versatile and practical tool. It’s also worth mentioning that you might be able to offset your costs as a business expense, helping to reduce your tax bill!

A professional website can be a way to carve out your own space in the digital landscape. It fulfils a whole host of vital functions, including:

  • A place for potential clients to find out more about what you do
  • A means by which people can contact you with enquiries
  • Somewhere to show what services you offer, as well as pricing information if applicable
  • A foundation on which you can build other digital content, such as blogs and videos


The perfect place to put your portfolio

A business website is also where you can house a portfolio of your work. This doesn’t have to be every single project you’ve ever worked on, which could be overwhelming and tricky to browse for visitors.

Instead, showcase your best work and update this regularly with the projects you’re most proud of. Show off the diversity of your skillset and support this with some client case studies and testimonials to show the value you bring to your customers.

If you’re not ready for a website of your own, there are lots of portfolio sharing platforms out there which are worth a look.


Social media content for freelancers

In the modern world, it’s safe to say that most businesses need a social media presence if they’re going to succeed. Think of social media as your digital soapbox and your way to share thoughts, resources, blog posts, videos, images, and more with your target demographic.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter are all super powerful communication and digital marketing tools. They enable you to reach people near and far, including existing customers, potential customers, peers, mentors and even the competitors you want to keep a close eye on.

Share engaging organic content that adds value, interact with your audience and invest in paid media advertising to reach a wider audience if your cash flow permits.

Make sure the content you’re creating is native to each of the different platforms so you’re appealing to the users on there. This is an important part of forming a strong social media strategy that generates business – something some freelancers with wiggle room in their budget prefer to outsource.

Even if the content you share is minimal, lots of people will make word-of-mouth recommendations through social media groups, so it’s a good thing to keep an eye on.


Written content for freelance marketing

Create articles that showcase your skills, offer tips and focus on common client pain points or struggles to show them how your services are their ideal solution. A blog for your freelance business will help establish you as a credible thought leader and can even help pull organic traffic to your website.

Written content also includes text-based resources such as white papers, guides, reports and eBooks. Again, fill these with expert advice and rich knowledge that your audience will want to get their hands on. It shows that you’re a pro in your field.

Resources like this can either be free to download from your website if you’re feeling generous, or you can gate them behind a lead generation landing page or paid social ad. The latter requires somebody to fill in their details in order to access your content – a tried and tested data capture tactic.


Video and audio content

Video and audio are increasingly popular as forms of digital content when it comes to what audiences now want to consume. That’s why we’d recommend adding things like social media video content (Instagram reels, TikTok videos, etc) YouTube videos and podcasts into your content plans.

The nature of your video content could include things like tutorials, explainer videos or even client testimonials.


Email marketing

Email is one the most effective ways to keep customers informed about your services, and for you to share valuable content and offer exclusive promotions.

Although email marketing could become one of the most vital parts of your comms and marketing strategy, it’s also usually one of the most inexpensive. Email campaigns are also far easier to track in terms of performance than things like social media content and blogs.

Send out regular newsletters and updates to make sure the people on your mailing list keep you in mind. Make sure you’re only sending valuable, informative emails, though, otherwise you run the risk of annoying recipients and pushing them towards the dreaded ‘Unsubscribe’ button. Include a link back to your website or contact form in all your emails!


Guest content

The freelance life is a busy one, we get it – but if you can find some spare time in your schedule to dip your toes into guest content, it will provide you with invaluable exposure. You might even be able to produce guest content in exchange for a fee and make some extra cash at the same time.

Guest content includes things like:

  • Authoring blogs or articles on somebody else’s website or publication
  • Appearing as a guest on podcasts or video series
  • Creating content that is shared on other social media platforms

To reap the true rewards of guest content, you should make sure the platforms you’re featuring on are relevant to your industry. Doing so means you can reach people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say or share.

You can also invite people to create guest content for your own digital platforms. Not only will this help flesh out your content marketing plan, but it’s also a great way to go about online networking and relationship building.
Find more advice and guidance for freelancers in our info hub!


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